1.Taliban—Islamism and nationalism (in Norwegian) Read chapter
2. The other’s other in human rights discourses—a view from Norway and Pakistan (in Norwegian) Read chapter
3. Immigrant women in legal embrace—to make Norwegian law accessible, understandable and acceptable (in Norwegian) Read chapter
4. Status and role of the Norwegian-Pakistani mosque: interfaith harmony and women’s rights in Norway Read chapter
5. Dronekrigen i FATA Read chapter
6. Taking law where and to whom Read chapter
7. (Mis)understanding the war on terror: a view from the main battleground (in Norwegian)
Read chapter
-> Forthcoming book chapters:
1. State, human rights and change in Pashtun socio-cultural universe. In: The Land of the ‘Other’ Conflict, Extremism, Peace building and the Question of Integration in Pakistan, edited by Dr. Saira Bano Orakzai and Dr. Siegfried O. Wolf, forthcoming 2016, Springer publishers
2. The Afghanistan-Pakistan conundrum: history and likely future scenario with focus on Pashtun. In: Contemporary Handbook on Pakistan, edited by Aparana Pande, forthcoming 2017, Routledge. This paper is co-authored with Dr. Syed Rashid Ali, Chairman, Department of Sociology, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, Pakistan
3. Muslim sectarianism in Norway. In: Nordic Model for the 21st Century: Forging a Cooperative Society in a Competitive World, edited by Dr. Nina Witoszek and Dr. Atle Midttun, forthcoming 2017, Routledge. This paper is co-authored with Knut Myrum Næss.